Budget reports in GnuCash allow you to gather summary information related to budgets you may have created. In order for these reports to work, you must first create a budget. The reports in this group are specifically based on budget information. To use these reports, you need to have a budget saved in your file.
GnuCash is a powerful double entry accounting software package that allows users to enter and track their money in a reliable manner. However, putting this information into GnuCash is only a part of the process. To be truly helpful, you need to be able to extract this information in meaningful ways. GnuCash’s reporting features allow you to just that.
GnuCash’s reporting features allow you to display nearly any group of transactions in a wide variety of formats. This makes it easy to answer questions about your finances, such as "How much did I spend on groceries last month?" or "How much did I earn in the previous six months?"
GnuCash includes a number of common report types, which can be modified to meet your specific needs. If these common reports are insufficient, it is possible to modify or even write your own custom reports (although this is not recommended for beginners).
There are many standard reports pre-built in GnuCash, all available from the pulldown menu in the main account window.
When you select a report from the list of reports, that report is first run with its default settings. Once you have opened the report, you can modify its parameters by clicking on the Options button on the toolbar. Under Options, you will see the different settings that you can change for each report. Note that for different reports, the options will be different.
Saved Reports Configurations Concepts
Once you have modified a report to meet your needs, you may wish to save that report for reuse at a later point. GnuCash allows custom reports to be saved, using the Save Report Configuration command.
To save a report configuration:
Go to the Reports Menu and choose the desired report.
Change the settings on the report until it includes what is needed.
Go to the General tab of the report’s options and change the Report Name to something meaningful (Do not confuse this with the Report Title).
Apply the changes and close the dialog.
Click the Save Report Configuration or Save Report Configuration As… button
This will store the report options in a file in your home directory.
The first time you save a report with a name that has not already been saved, you can use either the Save Report Configuration or the Save Report Configuration As… button. You can modify the report name before saving it.
Once a report has been saved with the current name, the Save Report Configuration button will immediately update the saved report configuration. Use the Save Report Configuration As button to save the current report configuration with a new name.
Saved report configurations are available for use under the Reports->Saved Report Configurations entry. They will also be available for use on multicolumn reports.
Saved report configurations can be deleted in the Saved Report Configurations dialog by clicking the trashcan icon.
To edit saved report configurations, open the report via Reports->Saved Report Configurations, edit and apply the new options, and click Save Report Configuration.
Standard Reports Overview
The standard reports that are included in GnuCash are presented here in the order that they appear in the menu. In each section, a short description for each report is given, which explains what the report is intended to show, and its primary purpose.
Assets & Liabilities Group
Reports in this group provide general information about assets and liabilities.
Advanced Portfolio
The Advanced Portfolio produces a report on commodity accounts (stock and mutual fund type accounts) using price information stored in the GnuCash price database and within the GnuCash transaction data. If you do not have stock price information in your file, the report will indicate an error. This report includes extended information about commodity holdings, including information about the basis, gain, and return of individual commodities.
Asset Barchart
The Asset Barchart presents the value of assets on a monthly basis in barchart form. By default, the report displays the eight largest accounts that have specific asset types assigned to them, and it displays bars for the current financial period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Bars" option will display more bars in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display. Additionally, the "Show table" option enables the display of chart information in tabular form below the chart.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Asset Piechart
The Asset Piechart presents the value of assets on a monthly basis in piechart form. By default, the report shows the seven largest accounts, that have specific asset types assigned to them, arranged in descending order by value as of the end of the current accounting period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Slices" option will display more slices in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Average Balance
The Average Balance report displays monthly averages for the current accounting period.
Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet lists Asset, Liability, and Equity account balances for all such accounts, and provides totals as of a given date. Balance sheets are commonly run for the last day of each fiscal year to give an overall sense of the financial condition of the entity.
General Journal
The General Journal produces a register of all transactions (beginning to end) in order by date, showing the accounts and the amounts involved, and totals the Net Change by all currencies and assets.
This report is not customizable by date or account, though you can include more or fewer details about the individual transactions, and whether to include running balances and totals for the credits and debits. If you need a report restricted to particular accounts, consider the Transaction Report or open a particular account and choose the Account Transaction Report.
General Ledger
The General Ledger produces information about all transactions for a selected set of accounts. When first run, this report loads no data, and the report options must be changed to retrieve information from the file.
Investment Portfolio
The Investment Portfolio produces a report of commodity accounts (that is, accounts with type "Stock" or "Mutual Fund"), giving holdings, price and value information about commodities in the file.
Liability Barchart
The Liability Barchart presents the value of liabilities on a monthly basis in barchart form. By default, the report displays the eight largest accounts that have specific asset types assigned to them, and it displays bars for the current financial period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Bars" option will display more bars in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display. Additionally, the "Show table" option enables the display of chart information in tabular form below the chart.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Liability Piechart
The Liability Piechart presents the value of liabilities on a monthly basis in piechart form. By default, the report shows the seven largest accounts, that have specific asset types assigned to them, arranged in descending order by value as of the end of the current accounting period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Slices" option will display more slices in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Net Worth Barchart
The Net Worth Barchart summarizes Asset accounts, Liability accounts, and overall Net Worth as bars on a graph on a monthly basis for the current financial period. This report provides a graphic overview of the file over time.
Net Worth Linechart
The Net Worth Linechart summarizes Asset accounts, Liability accounts, and overall Net Worth as a line graph on a monthly basis for the current financial period. This report provides a graphic overview of the file over time.
Price Scatterplot
The Price Scatterplot displays the value of one commodity relative to another commodity, for example the value of a stock relative to a currency. When first run, this report loads no data, and the report options must be changed to retrieve information from the file. Specifically, the "Price of Commodity" setting on the Price options tab must be changed to a specific commodity.
Budget Group
Budget Balance Sheet
Budget Barchart
Budget Flow
Budget Income Statement
Budget Profit & Loss
Budget Report
Business Group
Reports in this group provide general information about activities related to a business.
Customer Report
Customer Summary
Customer Summary is a customer profit report that can help with job analysis by comparing the income and expenses for a specific customer.
All invoices have an Owner in GnuCash, so invoices that are made will show a customer and show in the report. When creating a Bill, the Default Chargeback Customer is blank. To use the profit report, this field needs an entry, since this is the tag that decides the line to which to attach the expense. Left blank, the bill will be assigned to "No Customer." Similarly, when income is entered directly in a register rather than creating an invoice, it will also be assigned to "No Customer."
Thus, if this report includes an entry for "No Customer", this means that the report may be inaccurate, as the results are not all properly labeled.
Possible use scenarios include:
Tracking retail sales from different cities
Tracking rental properties
Tracking types of business
Tracking commission sales
Each of these scenarios assumes that the account structure includes breakdowns for individual tracked categories. Changing settings on the Income and Expense tabs under Options can hone the information displayed. By default all income and expense accounts are included; however, since GnuCash can’t really predict the names and classification of income and expense accounts, it must group them all into the "No Customer" entry.
Note that inventory-based businesses won’t benefit from this report because of its nature.
Useful options:
The Expense Accounts tab allows the selection of one or more expense accounts.
The Income Accounts tab allows the selection of one or more income accounts.
The Display tab allows sorting by name, profit percentage, or amount of profit.
Easy Invoice
Employee Report
Fancy Invoice
Payable Aging
Printable Invoice
Receivable Aging
This report provides a listing of all customers, their current balance, and how much they have outstanding from invoices over different time periods—how much they owe from 0-30 days, from 31-60 days, from 61-90 days, and over 90 days. The report also contains links to each customer and to their current customer report.
Vendor Report
Income & Expense Group
Reports in this group provide information about Income and Expense
Cash Flow
This report shows the change in value for a set of accounts (the flow of cash) over a given period of time. By default, this report is based on accounts in Assets and Special Accounts, and covers the current financial period. The report enumerates all money coming in to and going out of the base accounts, broken down by the other account.
Equity Statement
This report can be seen as extension of the Balance Sheet report. The Balance Sheet states the balance of Assets, Liabilities and Equity at a specific point of time. The Equity Statement focuses on the Equity Accounts by showing the cash flow to and from them for a given period of time.
By balancing this cash flow with income, the report shows the available capital at the beginning and end of the selected time period.
Expense Barchart
The Expense Barchart presents the value of expenses on a monthly basis in barchart form. By default, the report displays the eight largest accounts that have specific expense types assigned to them, and it displays bars for the current financial period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Bars" option will display more bars in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display. Additionally, the "Show table" option enables the display of chart information in tabular form below the chart.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Expense Piechart
The Expense Piechart presents the value of expenses on a monthly basis in piechart form. By default, the report shows the seven largest accounts, that have specific expense types assigned to them, arranged in descending order by value as of the end of the current accounting period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Slices" option will display more slices in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Expenses vs. Day of Week
Expenses vs. Day of Week presents a pie chart showing the totals for selected expense accounts totaled by the day of the week of the transaction. The report options enable you to make some adjustments (such as accounts, display options, and the date range) but the account selector only allows expense accounts to be chosen. The report aggregates expense transactions by day of week, not by any other period or category. Due to these limitations, the report may be considered a demonstration or an example to someone wanting to examine the source code for composing a useful custom report.
Income Barchart
The Income Barchart presents the value of income on a monthly basis in barchart form. By default, the report displays the eight largest accounts that have specific income types assigned to them, and it displays bars for the current financial period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Bars" option will display more bars in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display. Additionally, the "Show table" option enables the display of chart information in tabular form below the chart.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Income & Expense Chart
Income Piechart
The Income Piechart presents the value of income on a monthly basis in piechart form. By default, the report shows the seven largest accounts, that have specific income types assigned to them, arranged in descending order by value as of the end of the current accounting period.
Several settings on this report can greatly affect the information included.
On the Accounts tab, the "Show Accounts until level" option changes how the report aggregates account totals. Change this value to see information at deeper levels of the account structure.
On the Display tab, the "Maximum Slices" option will display more slices in the chart, allowing information for more accounts to display.
On the General tab, the "Price Source" option can significantly affect the reported value of various commodities included in the report.
Income Statement
This report lists Income and Expense account totals for a set period. By default, it shows all Expense and Income accounts down to 3 levels of sub-accounts for the current financial period.
An Income Statement is also called a "Profit and Loss" report or "Revenue Statement."
In earlier versions of GnuCash, this report was called "Profit & Loss," but with version 2, the report was renamed "Income Statement" to use more common accounting terminology.
The Income Statement helps show where money is coming from and where it is going for a given time period.
Income vs. Day of Week
Income vs. Day of Week presents a piechart showing the totals for selected income accounts totaled by the day of the week of the transaction. The report options enable you to make some adjustments (such as accounts, display options, and the date range) but the account selector only allows income accounts to be chosen. The report aggregates income transactions by day of week, not by any other period or category. Due to these limitations, the report may be considered a demonstration or an example to someone wanting to examine the source code for composing a useful custom report.
Trial Balance
Trial Balance lists the ending balances in all accounts as of a particular date. It is typically run at the end of an accounting period and is primarily used to ensure that the total of all debits equals the total of all credits.
Sample & Custom Group
The reports in this group offer examples on how reports can be customized or podified to suit personal need.
Custom Multicolumn Report
This report provides a base that allows several standard and custom reports to be combined into one view. Note that this report opens with an empty window; you must open the options and designate which reports to include for display. Once the reports have been selected, the settings for individual reports in the multicolumn display can be edited.
Sample Report with Examples
This is a sample report that users can examine to learn how to write their own reports.
Welcome Sample Report
This report demonstrates how the Multicolumn Report can be use to create custom dashboard-type reports.
Other Reports
Several reports are included on the main Reports menu. These are described below.
Account Summary
This lists the balances of all accounts and subaccounts as of a particular date. By default, this report shows accounts and totals down to third-level subaccounts.
This report gives effectively the same information as the Chart of Accounts. You can use this report to export and print the Chart of Accounts.
Note: To generate a report of account totals over a particular time period (especially if you do not close your books at regular intervals), you might consider using the Income Statement, or Cash Flow reports.
Future Scheduled Transactions Summary
Tax Report & TXF Export
Generates a report and a downloadable .txf file of taxable income and deductible expenses for a particular accounting period. To download the report data, choose the Export button on the toolbar and choose between html and .txf downloadable versions.
To use this report, you must use Edit --> Tax Options to identify which form the taxing authority uses for each income or expense account. Note that you can see but not modify the "Tax related" checkbox in Edit --> Edit Account.
Transaction Report
This report lists the transactions in selected accounts during a specified financial period. When first run, this report loads no data, and the report options must be changed to retrieve information from the file.
Saved Report Configurations
Selecting this will open a dialog with a list of available Saved Report Configurations. "Saved Report Configurations" means sets of customized settings for standard reports.
These sets must be saved by the user before they appear here. See Report Concepts above for instructions on how to save report configurations.
Account Report
The Account Report menu entry only appears when an account register is the active tab. This report produces a list of all transactions in the open register.
Note that if you conduct a search that retrieves several transactions, the results are displayed in a new search register, which can then be used to create a report for just those transactions.
Account Transaction Report
This report also only appears when an account register is the active tab. However, this report only lists transactions that have been selected (e.g. by mouse click) in the current register. If no transactions are selected, an empty report will be generated.